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Psychic and Lucid Dreaming: Tips and Tricks
This is the final video in my three-part introduction to dreaming series! Once we know how to incubate our dreams, and remember and...
Things Psychics Can't Stand (And How to Handle It)
Just like any other industry, psychics can have difficult clients! In this video, I'm talking about common things that we psychics find...
Scrying with the Four Elements: Automatic Drawing Exercises
In today's video I'm showing a bunch of scrying exercises, perfect timing for tonight's new moon! The psychic exercise of scrying is...
How to Set Energetic Boundaries: Exercises & Protection
Setting energetic boundaries is the key to psychic protection and getting more accurate psychic information! It's how we determine what...
Your Six Claire's: Pick a Card Reading
This is the most fun pick-a-card reading I've made yet! Each pile represents a different claire and how you can strengthen it. I go over...
How I Make My Videos Vlog: Equipment, Planning & Psychic Readings
This is a member early access video that is now available to all! I wanted to break down how I created all of my October videos which...
Having the "Gift": Born vs. Trained Psychic
What is the difference between a born psychic and a trained psychic? Are you psychic? Are people born with psychic abilities or can you...
How to Watch Pick a Card Readings the Right Way: Special Guest Liv's Light
Are you listening to pick a card readings wrong? In this video, myself and special guest Liv will be breaking down our top tips of how...
Manifesting & Releasing with Candle Magic: Collab with The Stitching Witch
Candle Manifestations can be a super powerful tool to help you release or manifest what you want in life! I'm inviting in special guest...
How to Remove Blocks to Your Psychic Ability
It can be so frustrating when you are learning to be psychic and you just aren't getting any information! One of the absolute foundations...
How Childhood Experiences Can Create Psychic Blocks
In this video I'm talking about how my specific childhood experiences created psychic blocks later in my life. I'll be walking through...
Your 2022 Predictions: Pick-a-Card Psychic Intuitive Reading
This 2022 Pick a Card Tarot and Oracle Reading gives you a breakdown of every month of your new year! I talk about major energy showing...
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